The EvCareer Career Guidance series is a counselling process aimed at students aged 14 to 18, who are in the stage of investigating their options for the appropriate post-Lyceum education.


It aims at exploring and combining the professional interests of the individual, their personality traits, their values, as well as their specific skills with work sectors and professions. The ultimate goal is to help the individual form a complete image of themselves and to choose their right educational and later professional orientation. It is worth noting that the development of the EvCareer Career Guidance series was based on the assumption that there is a correlation between a person’s characteristics and their success in a profession, which is connected to the theoretical approach of combining the two, and in particular to the theories of characteristics and of factors.

It includes 8 skill tests as well as 3 questionnaires. Specifically, these are 5 tests that explore three basic skills (linguistic, numerical and diagrammatical reasoning) and 3 tests that explore specific skills (perception of dimensions, mechanical perception and data checks). Additionally, the program includes the completion of 3 questionnaires (Personality, Values ​​and Professional Interests). All tools are designed with the latest scientific data and therefore they form a valid and reliable methodology.

Individual’s personality

The professional personality questionnaire explores how a person is accustomed to behaving in various occupations. Specifically, it counts 26 personality traits, which correspond to the definition of personality as the tendency that people have to behave in a certain way most of the time, in most conditions or situations, which are grouped in 8 broader areas. People are asked to rate 165 sentences (related to the 26 characteristics) to the degree to which they represent them, based on a five-point scale: From 1 (I completely disagree) to 5 (I totally agree).

Professional Interests questionnaire

The professional interest questionnaire investigates the individual’s attitude towards certain professional activities and their willingness to deal with them. Specifically, the person is asked to state their degree of preference in 160 professional activities, on a five-point scale from -2 (I would not like it at all) to +2 (I would like it very much).

Values Questionnaire

The Values Questionnaire helps the individual to discover the factors and conditions that they consider important in their everyday activities. Thus, the Value Questionnaire investigates the degree to which the individual values ​​certain environmental conditions or situations. Specifically, it measures 8 key values ​​encountered in a work environment, where the individual is asked to evaluate 40 sentences using a five-point scale from 1 (not at all / does not matter) to 5 (matters exceptionally), based on how important they are.

Skills Test

The three basic skills encountered in all individuals are linguistic, arithmetic and diagrammatic, which are found in a wide range of activities. People, based on their level of ability, are more effective in certain activities than in others.

Basic Skills Test

Verbal Association Test

  • Text Comprehension Test: It assesses a person’s ability to understand written information in order to draw logical conclusions.
  • Connecting Meaning Test: It assesses a person’s ability to connect words to each other in order to identify logical correlations.

Numerical Collection Test:

  • Numerical Problem Test: assesses a person’s ability to understand and use arithmetic data to solve problems.
  • Numerical Sequence Test: assesses a person’s ability to recognize relationships between numbers in a series. 

Diagrammatic Reasoning Test

It assesses a person’s ability to recognize logical rules that regulate sequences of shapes, that is, to make logical correlations when information is abstract. This is achieved through the form of diagrams.

Special Ability Test

Data Check Test

It assesses a person’s ability to quickly and accurately check information presented to them and to detect any errors in the copying or transfer of such information.

Mechanical Perception Test

It assesses an individual’s ability to understand basic mechanical principles and the laws of nature and to apply this ability to devices such as pulleys, gears and levers.

Perception of Dimensions Test

It assesses the individual’s ability to identify similarities and differences between shapes that appear in different forms, that is, in the form of a pattern or in their final three-dimensional form.

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