Career Guidance is a modern and important process that a person can receive, if it provides the individual with the necessary counselling support to make a correct and conscious decision about their future career path.

It also helps each person acquire the necessary supplies in order to discover elements of their character, their inclinations and abilities, but also their interests and they are given the opportunity to combine and evaluate all the above elements, to make the right decision.


  • Correctly guides the person to acquire self-knowledge, that is, to explore and discover the characteristics of their personality, inclinations, interests, skills and abilities.
  • Informs the individual about the multiple possibilities of studying and training.
  • Provides counselling to the individual, cultivating their critical thinking and enabling them to search for, process, and evaluate the information which they are given about their choice of studies and professional settlement.
  • Provides the necessary information to the individual about the multiple professions that exist and specifically about those that correspond to their abilities, inclinations and interests.
  • Informs the individual about the qualifications required by each profession and the necessary training that should be acquired.
  • Informs the individual about the new trends in the labour market, so that the profession chosen by the candidate ensures the desired development prospects.
  • Takes care of the real contact and acquaintance of the person with the various professions through visits to work environments, but also through discussions with professionals.
  • Helps the individual to enter smoothly into the workplace, providing them with the necessary advice on their duties and obligations required by the specific profession, as well as their rights.
  • Sensitizes the individual about the importance and value of choosing the right profession that suits their personality.


It is well known that career guidance is of the utmost importance today, since there is a vast variety of professions, and young people are called upon to decide on their career path in an unstable economic and social environment.

Career guidance is a continuous process and can provide the individual with an organized picture of situations and developments, so that the individual understands the real functions of a profession, sets their own personal goals and strives for their realization, whilst also being in the position to decide their professional pathway with maturity.

Therefore, with the help of career guidance, young people expand their spiritual horizons, develop their critical thinking and are not passive recipients.

It is worth noting that career guidance contributes substantially in the individual’s acquisition of self-knowledge, self-confidence and courage, in order to be the position to cope with modern society’s demands. In addition, it also cultivates new values ​​and virtues by properly creating conscientious employees, who are consistent and honest towards their duties.



Individual’s personality

  • The person’s personality largely determines their professional choices. The individual tends to be interested in occupations related to their inclinations, talents, preferences, abilities and skills and sets their own personal goals for which they strive to fulfil.


  • The professional choices of parents or other members of the wider family environment are most often a guide for the professional development of children, especially if there is an existing business.
  • The financial condition of the family and the educational background of the parents play an important role in the professional choices of the children, since they have the opportunity to be educated and to acquire the appropriate stimuli.
  • The high expectations of parents most of the time negatively affect their children’s choice of profession. Parents tend to put pressure on and guide their children to pursue a career that they consider appropriate for themselves, fulfilling their own professional goals and their own unfulfilled dreams.


  • Schools have a significant influence on the professional choices of individuals, since through their involvement in a variety of subjects, in-school activities, they are given the opportunity to discover their inclinations, interests and abilities. Also, an influential factor are teachers who adopt the role of counsellors and who influence students’ career choices.


  • Society is another factor that influences a person’s decision making for their choice of profession. The society in which the individual lives and is shaped in largely determines their choices, since each society tends to give value and prestige to specific professions. Thus, the professional choices of the individual are most often the result of the needs of society and not of their true desires.


  • The influence of Mass Media on the choice of the individual’s profession is also important, since they constantly promote new professions, new schools and universities that constitute a reality in modern society. As a result, it makes it difficult for the individual to make the right choices whilst creating confusion.


It is addressed to middle school and high school students, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students. Counsellors search for the most suitable options for achieving academic goals, while guiding and supporting individuals throughout these stages.

The counselling program we offer takes place in three or more meetings. The first meeting is an acquaintance meeting, where we discuss with the person their interests, inclinations and abilities. An initial assessment of the candidate’s personality is carried out and a reference of the psychometric tool EvCareer Career Guidance Test is made.

A second meeting is scheduled and held in which the candidate is asked to decide whether to proceed with the completion of the Guidance Test or whether there will be a second in-depth discussion. In case the candidate decides to proceed with the tool, then they are called to fill in the psychometric test electronically.

Then, a third meeting takes place in which a combined report of the results of the tools completed by the candidate is made, which is the basis of the counselling process. Specifically, the professional career counsellor analyses and presents the results of the candidate’s answers for each part of the psychometric test to the candidate and his parents. At the end of the analysis of results, the professional areas that gather the highest interest of the individual in terms of personality traits, values ​​and abilities are noted and are made known to the student. In addition, there are also schools/institutions within the country that are relevant to each professional group.

Gymnasium Students

The Third Year of Gymnasium is considered the most critical class, as students are asked to choose the Pathway Subject Group that they want to pursue in high school. Our goal as a counselling team is to adequately inform students about each Pathway individually, the subjects that correspond to each pathway and the course options that they can lead to. We also inform students about the subject which they will study at First Lyceum, and how they could later form their access to courses. Finally, we help students discover their inclinations, abilities and skills and guide them in choosing the right branch that suits their personality.

Lyceum Students

Lyceum, which is also part of Secondary Education, completes the general education provided in Middle School, thus preparing the students for Tertiary Education and more generally for their academic and career guidance. The goal is to promote and develop a healthy, spiritual and moral personality, with the ultimate goal of creating capable and democratic citizens with values ​​and ideals.

The First Lyceum is a key point for the subsequent course of any student, as it is a transitional stage from middle school to high school. At this stage, students are taught a variety of core subjects and in the middle of the year, they are asked to choose elective courses as well as to decide whether they wish to continue studying within the branch they chose at Middle school. In particular, students are given the opportunity to change the field they have chosen, if they wish to, and to think better about their future options. This is a crucial decision, as it will greatly determine their future.

The Second Lyceum is one of the most critical classes for Secondary Education students, since at this stage students are called upon to choose a direction that they would like to follow, which consists of four in-depth subjects. This choice is very important, as it will greatly affect the subject choices that will follow in the Third year of high school. It is of common knowledge that many teenagers feel insecure and unsure about their choices. At this stage, they need the necessary guidance and support to make the right course choices, which will determine their subsequent journey.

The Third Lyceum is the most decisive and critical year for final year students, as they are called upon to prepare and acquire the appropriate supplies for their admission into higher education. It is the year when students need to meet the demands of their lessons and to eliminate any stress that these will cause. As a counselling team, we aim to help students achieve their goals and to eliminate the stress they are currently experiencing through a comprehensive counselling process. According to our experience, it is important for senior year students to visit counsellors during the school year.

Undergraduate Students

Choosing an undergraduate program at a higher education institution is a complex process. Students need full guidance and support, in order to find the most suitable university which will provide them with the necessary requirements to succeed in their academic, and consequently, their professional goals.

The complete counselling program we offer includes the use of specialized psychometric tools in order to detect the skills, inclinations, abilities, motivations and interests of individuals. In addition, we provide the necessary counselling support for the connection of the interests, inclinations and abilities of the individual with the appropriate undergraduate or postgraduate program, and consequently with the prospects and circumstances of the modern work environment.

Our goal is to guide candidates at each step so that they can determine their career goals and choose the most appropriate study program and university institution. This will be achieved through constructive discussion and cooperation.

Postgraduate Students

Choosing a postgraduate program is a complex process which requires the necessary guidance and support, which can be given through career guidance. In modern times, the options are many as there are plenty of universities and private schools available. For this reason, our research team has developed the necessary counselling process, in which candidates are informed about the study programs and the various higher education institutions. Our goal is to guide candidates at each step so that they can determine their career goals and choose the most appropriate study program and university institution.


The EvCareer Career Guidance series is a counselling process aimed at students aged 14 to 18, who are in the stage of investigating their options for the appropriate post-Lyceum education. It aims at exploring and combining the professional interests of the individual, their personality traits, their values, as well as their specific skills with work sectors and professions. The ultimate goal is to help the individual form a complete image of themselves and to choose their right educational and later professional orientation.

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